Poor little Caroline. The child is extremely accident prone. She had an unfortunate run-in with a butterfly handle on the door of our playroom. She was the perfect height to hit her eye perfectly. It immediately swelled up and turned black/red. I called an eye dr. in our ward, he checked it out and said it was just bruised. It took over a month for her eye to go back to looking white. Then, a week after she was all healed, her preschool called and said they thought she had broken her arm. I rushed down there, and sure enough, it looked like someone had stepped on her right arm and it was bent backwards. She had to be in a sling for three weeks, a hard pink cast for 4 weeks, and a brace for three more weeks. She just got the brace off last week. I hope we are done with the accidents for a while...
Oh my poor Caroline! I have never seen an eye like that. I'm sure I would have been freaking out! And then to break her arm, poor baby. Well, at least when she's older, she'll win the contest with her siblings of who has broken the most/been injured the most!
Oh my gosh! That makes my eyes water just looking at it. Poor girl! I hope she got it all out of her system and no more accidents for a long time!
Poor Baby (you and Caroline both).
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