We had such a good lesson with Beverly this week! We went over & she just can't get enough of prophets. She told us that she watches "Russells" videos at night. She lovesss him haha. Missionaries in the past have taught her the restoration multiple of times, but we decided to teach it again using an object lesson. We really emphasized priesthood authority & I think it finally clicked for her. The spirit was so overwhelmingly strong & I asked her if she would be baptized if she knew this was true. She said yes but told me she needed to pray about it. I also told her about priesthood blessings & that it would help her so much with her health. I think if we are able to get her a blessing she will feel it work in her & she'll gain a testimony of it. I just love Beverly so much haha she always calls me Caroline it's so weird to hear my first name it always throws me off
This guy named Drew used to meet with the missionaries so we decided to stop by. His wife was home and let us come inside. The wife was so bashy & rude. She wouldn't listen to anything we had to say and kept making assumptions. We actually found out that her mom is a member of the church. Drew walked in later and was genuinely interested and had read the Book of Mormon before. The wife just ruined it though and we weren't able to talk to Drew much, we ended up just leaving. It's hard when one person is on board but the other isn't
We've been teaching this man Esau for a little bit. He believes everything we say and loves our studies we have. We showed him a picture of Jesus Christ though and he FREAKED out. He went on this long rant about the 10 commandments & how "there should be no graven images". He thinks that if we see a picture of Jesus Christ it will put a false image into our heads & if a man comes that looks like him we might worship the wrong man. My companion said she's run into this so much on her mission! She said they were teaching someone who was close to baptism then they came to church and saw all the pictures of Jesus Christ & left almost immediately. Soo weird
We've been telling the other missionaries & our mission president about Brandon & everyone says we need to put him on date for baptism right away. My companion wanted me to do it and I was so scared I couldn't sleep at night because I was so anxious about it. I really didn't want to mess it up. We texted a bunch of different members asking them if they could come to our lesson with him and none of them could. Last second a member was able to leave work early so he could come. I had never really talked to this member before so it made me even more anxious. Turns out the member joined the church when he was Brandon's age so it was so good for Brandon to hear! We taught about Baptism and at the end of the lesson I asked Brandon if he would be Baptized April 27th. I think it kind of threw him off. He told us he feels like he isn't putting in enough effort in between our visits to get an answer and that he really wants to get an answer first. I was kinda bummed we weren't able to put him on date but I think it was really good that we extended that invitation to him because now he has motivation to recieve an answer for himself. I was fasting for him on Sunday and he came to church with us! It was fast and testimony meeting and I think he really enjoyed it. He started tearing up and told us the talks really touched him. I don't think he realized it was the spirit though. All the members literally swarm him at church hahaha they all want to talk to him but I'm scared they might scare him away.
Something so so cool happened this week. We stopped teaching soo many people so we decided to pray that would would find new people who were prepared for the gospel. We put a ton of time in our schedule to knock doors & our goal was to hit 100 doors. We made lunch and ate it outside before we left. My comp and I talking about deep doctrine stuff (resurrection, sealings, temples names, etc.) and we were talking for awhile. Our eyes were closed and then all of a sudden I saw a lady standing over us and she said "What do you guys believe?" We were wearing shorts & t shirts and I wasn't even wearing my tag. She had been listening to us through her window and told us she felt prompted to come outside and talk to us. This lady had actually talked to me and my last companion before, she heard us listening to a conference talk and was curious. But this time she invited us inside!!! We hurried & got dressed and went over. She told us she's been floating around different churches and isn't 100% sure what she believes. We ended up having a 2 hour discussion with her and it was so amazing !!! The spirit was so so strong and she was like she most prepared person I've ever met. We were able to give her a Book of Mormon and she said she would have an open heart to reading it! She has had a super tough life, her husband is awful to her & she has a foot that doesn't work. During our lesson the spirit was SO strong it was actually so cool. My companion and I were both crying as she was telling us her life story. She gave us a huge hug and said "this hug is from your momma"

. She asked if she could make us dinner sometime and is open to learning more! So cool how Heavenly Father was able to answer our prayer right away. She felt prompted to talk to us, she invited us back over, and she asked for our number! As a missionary you can just feel when someone is ready for the gospel and we felt it so strongly with her. So so glad I didn't have to go knock 100 doors that day.
We got fed tacos 5 nights this week! I like tacos but I can't do it anymore. Everytime we walked into a members house and saw tacos my companion & I looked at eachother because we couldn't believe how many times in a row we had tacos.
The Tolberts in the ward fed us Sunday night! I always loveeee going to their house because the parents are so fun. The dad is hilarious and always has the funniest stories. He told us him and his brothers grew up fighting and it was just second nature for him. He told us the first week on his mission they were biking and someone rolled down their window at a red light and cussed at them. Brother Tolbert has anger issues and went up to the persons car, opened their door, and started hitting the person over and over again hahahahhaa. He told us all the other cars were watching and getting out of their cars and he said his trainer was a really wholesome missionary and was absolutely mortified. Brother Tolbert just thought it was normal to stand up for himself that was just second nature to him. He said if he would have done it today it would have been all over the news and he would have not been able to get away with it. He also told us he punched a companion he had later in his mission, knocked him out & broke his hand. So surprised he didn't get sent him haha
Love u all! About to hit 4 months don't know how I feel about it time goes by soo slow in the beginning hopefully it starts to pick up now that I'm out of training