got my new companion! Transfer day I cried when I said bye to Sister Udy because I was so scared to get a new companion. My new comp is awesome though. She last served in Alabama, in a branch with 30 members. She said she was definitely in the sticks. So being in Collierville over 2 wards is going to be a huge adjustment for her. She is so so chatty and never runs out of energy. I'm excited to be with her though I can tell she's a hard worker & we will be able to get alot done.
I've been leading our area and I've been so stressed out. There is sooo much to remember. I caught her up on everything that's happening here & she said, "Why isn't Brandon on date for baptism yet?" We had a lesson with him and she told me that he is the most prepared person she's ever talked to on her mission. We extended him an "as you come to know" which basically means as you know to know this church is true will you be baptized? He said YES!!! I'm hoping we can put him on date soon & help him prepare for baptism. We invited him to watch conference with Dave & Nicole Rees in our ward and it was really good. Brandon ate with us and we explained conference a little bit to him. I was hoping he would leave conference having a ton of his questions answered but I think it just gave him more questions... especially since they really talked about covenants & temple garments. I'm hoping it doesn't scare him away. I tell all the members about how we met Brandon and they usually tear up and tell me how amazing it is.
We met this Indian family who lives in our apartment complex and they are so sweet! They told us they've met with missionaries in the past and believed everything they said. The dad even told us he went to liberty jail and felt the spirit so strongly. He believes it and feels it but if his family is baptized into our church it will go against his Hindu sealings to his family. It's a sticky situation but we are going to try to go over once a week and hope the spirit can turn on a light switch for them. Before we left their apartment I asked if we could leave them with a prayer. The dad asked if we could kneel and say it. It was so sweet we kneeled down all together and prayed 

We got to watch the eclipse!!! It was super cool & a good chance to talk to everyone that came in from out of town.
Sorry so much happened this week and I haven't had time to write a big email. It would mean so much to me if everyone could keep Brandon in their prayers!
Love and miss you all so much!!

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