The most embarrassing thing happened this week haha! We were headed to dinner at this family's house that I had never met before. We put their address in our maps and parked in front of their house. The mom was in the driveway with her daughters and she waved at us! I noticed that the mom did look a little confused. She went inside but her daughters stayed in the driveway. We got out of the car and we started to ask the daughters how old they were and they started to walk into the house. We followed them inside and I smelled dinner in the kitchen. When the daughters saw us walk inside they ran ahead of us and yelled "Mom they are coming inside!!!" I thought they were just excited that we were there. The mom was cooking dinner and I was about to ask her where her restroom was. She looked so confused then my companion said: "Wait, are y'all the Thiels?" The mom said she had no idea who the Thiels were and my heart sank. We had totally just walked into a strangers home... we had the wrong address!! I looked back and realized that the little girls didn't even invite us in, we just followed them inside. Them yelling "Mommy they are coming inside!!" was probably out of fear, these two random girls were just walking into their home. We said that we were SO sorry and that we had the wrong house. I can't believe I was about to set my stuff down and use their restroom.
This week was hardddd. I felt so burt out and numb to everything. Brandon was definitely the highlight of my week. We invited him to come to an 8 year old in the wards baptism and confirmation. It was the best baptism I've ever been to. All the talks were so well done & put simply. It was really good for Brandon and he enjoyed it. He also invited his mom to come to church to hear us speak!! It was so good she was so sweet and she really enjoyed coming to church and all the people she met. Here are some of the text messages Brandon sent us this week:
"I can't stop encouraging people to come hear the message of your church
It's like a compulsion"
"Baptism is a major highlight for me too. I really look forward to it. I've told all of my friends and family haha. Some think it's awesome, some are curious, indifferent, and a couple family members are really mad at me/the idea but that's ok. I honestly feel like my mom is going to want to start talking to someone. She is the most receptive "
"I really really like everyone in the ward. The community culture is so different than everything I've ever seen before."
He also texted us and said our talks that we gave at church were so powerful and that they really touched him!
So crazy he was just a random guy at the gas pump next to us and now he is praying about baptism. We have a couple in our ward who used to be mission presidents in Mexico. They can be pretty scary and intimidating. They had Brandon and us over for desert and the husband started preaching to Brandon and I got so nervous. He asked Brandon if he would say a pray for us and i told Brandon he didn't have to if he didn't feel comfortable. We left and I apologized to Brandon because that couple can be pretty intense but he said he liked them so that was good haha. I feel like I can kind of be a helicopter mom over him because I really don't want to mess it up

My comp & I have gotten in a couple fights this week... she is the designated driver so she always drives & she is the WORST driver I've ever been with. I'm terrified for my life every time we go anywhere. She does U turns at red lights and follows cars so closely and brakes SO hard. We were coming home late one night and I saw a bunch of deer on the road and I told her to slow down but she didn't then a deer ran right in front of us and we almost hit it. Then the next day we were driving and a car slowed down to turn right and put on his blinker and she didn't slow down so I screamed at her and she slammed on the brakes and we came to a skidding stop, 2 inches from almost being in an awful car accident. I told her she needed to slow wayy down way earlier when she saw the car breaking in front of us. She told me she hates when I comment on her driving but I had literally just saved our lives. She started to cry and have a panic attack. I had to calm her down to keep her from passing out. She had a full blown panic attack and even though I'm not supposed to drive I drove the rest of the day. She didn't really talk to me the rest of the day because I got upset with her but she actually almost killed us so many times that day. I forced myself to apologize and everything is ok now. I'm definitely going to talk to our mission president and see if I can be the designated driver
We had dinner with the Tolberts Sunday night and their 17 year old daughter said she was thinking about a mission! We told her we were having a lesson after dinner and we invited her. She was soooo excited and did so good in the lesson. We are trying to have all the youth come to lessons with us so they can get excited about missionary work. Unfortunately they did ask us to teach seminary this week so that means we have to wake up at 5:30...
There is a mom in the ward who has a son who is a returned missionary and goes to BYU. She calls him all the time and says she wants him to marry me haha. He came into town to visit and his mom grabbed me right away after sacrament meeting to introduce us. It was soo awkward
On Thursday we has exchanges! I went to Walnut Grove TN and another missionary took my place for a day. She went to a lesson with one of our friends and the lady started to bash them. The new missionary got in a huge fight with her apparently and told her: "The spirit is not in your home so neither will I be" and she got up and left. The lady was SO furious and screamed at them. When I got back into town we went over to her apartment to apologize for that missionaries behavior... it was so awkward.
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