Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hi guys! Thank you all for the birthday wishes💝

They just moved me out of Tennessee & into Hot Springs, Arkansas!

I loved Collierville Tennesse! It was so hard to leave, I became so close with so many people there who have forever changed me. 

When I first arrived in Tennessee I was SO excited to share my testimony, but quickly discovered that being a missionary in the south is hard. Pastors & ministers preach against us in their congregations and we were bashed everyday. We were teaching zero people and I immediately was so discouraged. I felt like it was pointless to be out here & that I was wasting my time. 

I kept trusting that the Lord would guide me to those who were ready to hear the gospel and He did. The week I left we had three people on date for baptism! We were able to put my sweet friend Beverly & her grandson on date. Everytime we stepped into her house she told us that we were the angles she had been praying for & that she could see the light of Christ inside of us.🥲 I love her more than anything! 

Brandon was definitely the person I was meant to find and teach though. He went from being completely agnostic, to having the strongest testimony of Jesus Christ in just a couple of weeks! He is going to be baptized June 8 & I am so excited. He has been sharing the gospel with everyone he knows, we were able to teach his family too! The night before I left Collierville he cooked us a huge fancy dinner it was so good. I said goodbye to him and he just started to sob, he told me that I have no idea how much I've changed his life and that he is so grateful that I had the courage to talk to him at the gas station all those weeks ago. I am so humbled to of had that experience with him & am so excited to see how much he grows.

I'm still not fully adjusted to the Southern culture yet haha! Everyone lovess Jesus. This week a lady asked if she could pray with us, she laid her hands on my head and started speaking in tounges. I've never heard anything like it haha. My companion and I were trying so hard not to laugh I had to hold my breath

Right now I am in a trio! I was hesitant at first but it has been so fun. One of my companions is a full blown cow girl and my other companion is from Haiti! I have loved each of my companions so much.

My first Sunday here in Hot Springs some of the older couples in the ward came up to us and said that they had heard that the great grand daughter of Lynn Mellor was serving in the ward. They had served along side him while he was the first stake president in Little Rock, Arkansas. It was a testimony to me that I am exactly where I am meant to be, loving and serving the same people that my great grandpa loved so dearly. 

Love you guys !

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