Sunday, June 2, 2024

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! My trio has been alot of fun! Lots of laughter all the time which has been so good for me. There was this sweet new convert who was baptized a couple months ago named Angela, she bought me a cake it was so thoughtful. She doesn't have much money but she was so excited to throw me a little party. 

On my birthday my grandma's brother drove down from Little Rock & took us out to lunch! It was so good to see them. They aren't members of the church so I was pretty nervous because my whole purpose as a missionary right now is to help people come unto Christ, so it felt weird not sharing a message with them. While we were eating a lady randomly came up to us and bore the sweetest testimony. She told us that missionarys had changed her life 5 years ago and that we need to find those people who are seeking for truth. My aunt and uncle looked pretty nervous but the spirit was so strong as she bore her testimony I know we all felt it. My companions and I were talking about it after & that sweet lady definitely felt prompted to come talk to us because it was a perfect testimony for my aunt and uncle. 

For dinner that night this older couple in the ward texted us last minute & asked if we would join them for Hibachi. It was seriously the best food I've ever had we ate SO much haha. Best birthday

I got the best birthday present ever the other day! My companion in Collierville called me and said BRANDON IS GETTING BAPTIZED!! June 8!! I just started to cry because I am SO excited for him. I can't believe he was a random guy at the gas station and now his entire life is about to change. 

On Wednesday this week we decided to knock some doors. Seriously door after door people yelled at us. Everyone was so rude! We all got soo down. We were walking back to our apartment and there was a lady on a walk listening to Jesus music. We asked her if we could share a message with her & she said "Only if I can share one with you!" After that she didn't let us speak at all, just bashed us the whole time saying that Satan was not Jesus's brother. She asked if she could pray for us and during her prayer she put her hands on my head and starting speaking in tounges. It was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced haha. I opened my eyes and looked at my companion and started to laugh I tried so hard to play it off. I never knew what speaking in tounges was until I got to the South... it's the most interesting belief

This week we also went and knocked at some trailer homes! It is so sad seeing how some people live here. This little 8 year old girl was playing in the street, she came up to be and told me that I was really pretty. I started talking to her and I noticed that her face was all scarred up and her hands had cuts all over them. I asked her what happened and she immediately tried to hide it and got so nervous. She told me that she fell. I asked her what really happened then her mom came out and grabbed her and gave me a nasty look. It made me SO sad. Her parents were definitely abusive and my heart just sunk ðŸ¥²

This man named AJ put in a request to meet with us. We called him and he seemed like a waste of time and that he wouldn't progress. We decided to stop by his house later that day and we got to meet him! He was shot in the head 4 times and he told us he saw a pillar of light. In that moment he decided he needed to change his life around and he said he saw our church's ad. We had a good lesson with him and he came to church! He was taking notes during sacrament meeting and loved church! He called us after and told us he wants to become a member. He's super cool but very scary looking haha! Gold teeth and covered in tatoos. I have to keep reminding myself that the Atonement is for everyone & that everyone can change...

The morning of my birthday we went on a walk! There was a man fishing & he had a fish on the hook so he asked me if I wanted to reel it in! I reeled it in and lost the fish. I asked him if he wanted me to cast it back out. I casted it out and I tossed the line over the power limes hahaha. He told me that my dad would be disappointed in me haha.

I spoke on Sunday! I think this is the 100th time I've spoken. Usually I need to write out everything but I didn't prepare anything this time. I just stood up there and talked I never thought I would ever be able to do that haha. A bunch of members came up to me and told me my talk really touched them ayy

Love u all! ❤️❤️ See ya in a year 

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