The beginning of the week was pretty slow- my comp was taking it easy getting back on her feet. Wednesday she was finally feeling up to getting out of the house! We went and knocked on some doors that day! We don't do a ton of knocking in this area, we never have the best of luck. We knocked on this one lady's door and we asked if we could share a scripture with her. We shared the scripture then right after she said "Do yall know what BIBLE stands for? Basic Intructions Before Leaving Earth" then she shut the door. That was her way of telling us she knows what Bible stands for so she's all set haha.
We had a lesson over the phone with a guy named Matthew. We asked if we could start off the lesson with a prayer and before we could say amen he said "Well from the calculations in my head from hearing your prayer I would say you are some decendant of Christianity." (In the most know it all nerdy voice ever) We could tell he doesn't want to grow spiritually, but intellectually. He told us he is a Discordian and believes in the Greek Goddess of chaos. It was the weirdest lesson ever he definitely plays Dungeons and Dragons. We told him we could sit here all day and tell him what we believe in but it would mean nothing if he didn't pray and ask for himself. Then right then and there he prayed!! On the phone!! Instead of addressing the prayer to Heavenly Father he prayed to Yahway whoever that is lol. He asked Yahway if the things we were telling him are true. He downloaded the Book of Mormon app & has been reading it. He's a very interesting guy... he also believes Jesus was just a man not Christ. He was very understanding of everything we were telling him but he was throwing out Bible terms and history that I've never even heard of before. He's actually so annoying but he wants to keep meeting with us again.
I hate all the phone call lessons. People want to hear our message and meet with us but they want to hide behind a screen! A lesson over the phone just isn't the same.
We've been doing alot of Facebook work this week! Most missionaries hate the idea of Facebook and messaging random people and I was totally against it as well. Since my companions been down I've been doing alot of contacting on Facebook! Most of the time I get left on read, but recently I have had SO much success! It's cool to see how the Spirit can guide you with who to message and what to say to them.
We drove to one of our outer areas Saturday to Summerville, it's about an hour away from us. We only have the miles to go maybe once a month. It's hard to knock doors over there and say "Hey come to our church it's only an hour away!" & most people out there don't have cars. We went and visited a couple of people who used to be taught. We told our friend Nathainal (who we had been having phone lessons with because he lives so far) that we would stop by and bring him a Book of Mormon because he really wanted one and he didn't have a phone that could download the app. When we got to his house we realized we didn't put more BOMs in our car. We were so upset. We meant to put more in our car before we left but we got so busy we forgot. We had a couple of pamphlets in our car & we were so bummed we forgot. I decided to say a prayer that we would be able to use the resources we have to help Nathainal. We got out of the car and I looked in the back for a jacket and I saw a Book of Mormon under the jacket!! We were SO happy and we were able to give it to Nathainal. We read some of it with him and he's excited to read more of it on his own. He was the sweetest old man. The neighborhood he lives in was sooo sketchy tho. After this we decided to go knock doors at this sketchy apartment. The whole place smelled like weed. We knocked on this one door and the lady yelled " come in" & we said "we are the missionarys!" then she went silent and never came to the door. We should have just walked in
The missionaries before us used to host a ward "game night" where they play pickleball and board games Saturday nights. My companion and I decided to start it up again. I baked cookies and we went early to set up. We texted all the members in the ward. 1 person showed up. This sweet mom came by herself
so embarrassing we are never hosting anything again haha

Sunday I spoke, following me two new converts spoke about their experience joining the church and how the missionaries helped, then my companion spoke. It was a powerful sacrament meeting I cried the whole time. The lady that spoke after me said she joined the church at 24, and her dad had warned everyone in their family to stay away from the Mormons and whoever joined the church would be disowned from the family. She started meeting with the missionaries in private because she LOVED the plan of salvation. She ended up getting baptized and she told her family. Her dad said "Well we don't have a daughter anymore" and she went a year with no family. Her dad got really really sick and decided to have her over for Thanksgiving but wouldn't speak to her. Eventually on his death bed he told her he was sorry for everything, and that he wishes he would of listened to the missionaries that came by. He asked his daughter to get his temple work done for him. It was the saddest story I'd ever heard but it was so so good. Brother Scott spoke next, he was the new convert that came to the temple with us (who had an awful experience). I don't know why they asked him to speak he had no idea what he was doing. He didn't know if he was supposed to sit on the stand or anything. He didn't have anything prepared. He was SO scared. I feel awful they should have a rule where new converts don't have to speak!! The Bishop shook our hands after the sacrament meeting with tears in his eyes it was so sweet

A boy moved into our area who was just recently baptized. He's a 21 year old boy and I think he might have a little autism. We researched his history and he hasn't come to church in forever & hasn't done any of the new member lessons. The elders that baptized him made a note on his records that "he's a ladies man and killer with the ladies" haha. He told us we can come by tomorrow, but he wants to keep it a secret. He doesn't want his fiance to know about it. He also wants to see us in person to see if we are pretty.......
Update! We had a lesson with him. We are SO mad that the Elders baptized him. They just did it to say they had a baptism. He has zero understanding of anything. He had no idea what a prophet was & has never heard of the Plan of Salvation. We are re teaching him everything & hes coming to church Sunday. We've had to pick up alot of the Elders pieces. Anyways he was a weird kid, he told me he's in Cobra Kai and he wants us to come to his tournament on Saturday because he is fighting Daniel Larusso. I was trying so hard not to laugh. He also showed us some of his moves.
I love & miss you all. I hit two months and this has been the longest two months of my life haha. I hope it just gets faster from here. 16 more to go...
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