Wednesday we got to teach our cute friend Beverley! She is an older lady & her health is awful. When she feels up to it though she loves having us over. She is very very chatty though and it's really hard to relate what she's telling us into the lesson! I was looking at the pictures on her drawer and I noticed there was a picture of Mitt Romney with her family. She told us she LOVES Mitt Romney and that when he's in town he always comes to visit her & she makes him her famous fried chicken. My companion and I were shocked!! We told her that Mitt Romeny was a member of our church and she couldn't believe it. It was so random I have no idea how she knows Mitt Romney. She had no idea he was a member. I'm mad at Mitt Romney he should have given her a BOM!!! 
Beverly told us that everytime we leave her house her house feels so peaceful for a long time after. So sweet. She seriously has nothing but she baked for us! I felt so bad I didn't want to take anything from her but she made us some yummy cornbread and squash. Her daughter turned to hard drugs & had a drug baby so Beverly is 70 years old, can hardly take care of herself & has to take care of her grandson. Her grandson came up to me and gave me a big fat wet kiss on my face haha

We had more lessons with Steve! (Snoop dog) He is very elect and loves learning about our religion. Hes been meeting with missionaries for a while so weve started to talk about deeper stuff, like patriarchs & Joseph Smith history. He started confessing to us things he had done in his past. He told us before he went to prison he was in a gang. He said someone was going to snitch and try to take his boss to court so Steve was sent to kill the guy. His boss gave Steve the gun and told him he was the one who needed to kill him. Steve found him and said "he felt the holy spirit" tell him he shouldn't kill him, but threaten him instead. He told us it worked and that the guy never snitched. I had noooo idea what to say to him so I said: "Wow Steve that's awesome you chose to be a peacemaker that's something Christ would have done" I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I SAID THAT HAHAHA I think I just got scared. I also noticed he has a black tear drop tattooed under is eye... if I remember right doesn't that mean you've killed someone? Anyways Steve is really cool besides all of the scary stuff... I invited him to come to church March 10th to hear my companion sing! I'm kinda nervous that he's coming to church if he's actually killed someone. Prison was good for him though and he sounds like he's trying to change his life around!
We got back in touch with our friend Fabe !! He's our friend who was progressing SO well then we lost contact with him for a couple of days. We were so nervous and we prayed for him every night because we both had a really good feeling about him. We had a lesson with him over the phone and it was SO good. He told us he posted on his Facebook that he was meeting with us and that we shared a special message. He told us all of his comments about us were negative and made fun of the "holy underwear." He told us it made him so mad how much hate we were getting because these friends of his preach at church to love one another and follow Christ but then they make fun of these two young missionaries who are trying to teach the same thing. Everytime we have a lesson with him it's the most I've ever felt the spirit. We taught him the restoration and it went so well. I taught him about prophets & asked him why he thought God called prophets throughout time. He told us he believes God calls regular people to speak for him, and that he could even call a simple farm boy. My companion & I looked at each other and were SHOCKED!! I taught him all about Jospeh Smith and I asked him to pray to know if what we were teaching is true. I said our closing prayer & I've never said a prayer like it before. I didn't even know what I was saying the words were just rolling out of my mouth. It was the best prayer I've ever heard & I was so guided by the Spirit it was so cool. Fabe told me that the prayer was so deep and it made him shed a tear. He asked us to call him again the next day. He's from Collierville but is in Louisanna right now for a work trip for a couple weeks. I wish we could meet with him in person but the over the phone lessons have been so amazing.
Last week I got so fed up with not finding anyone. It was my turn to plan our day on Thursday and I put 4 or 5 hours into our schedule to knock doors. My companion tried to tell me knocking doors doesn't work in Collierville but I told her we needed to switch something up. We knocked doors and had so many meaningful contacts and now have two lessons set up for this week! I think my companion really needed me to give her that push. She told me that her last two companions hated knocking (lazy missionaries) so she just got in the habit of never doing it. She also told me that the Elders have already knocked every house in Collierville but I told her we are knocking again. Knocking today gave us both an extra boost of motivation because we were both kind of down that the work wasn't progressing here. I was SO scared of knocking at first but now I think it's kind of fun, you never know what kind of person is going to come to the door haha.
We found this Hispanic lady named Jessica knocking. She can only understand a little English so we told her we would come back with a member who could speak Spanish. We couldn't find anyone so we asked Spanish sisters to come translate for us. She lived in apartment #539 and I knocked on the door and a different Hispanic lady answered. She told us she didn't know a jessica and that there was two #539 apartments in their complex. The Spanish sisters talked to her anyway and invited her to church and she's coming! Good thing I knocked on the wrong door haha. On our way over to Jessica's 2 Hispanic men stopped us and asked us who we are. The Spanish sisters invited them to church and they were super interested! I think people are impressed with white girls who can speak perfect Spanish. It was crazy it was just right after another my companion and I were like why doesn't this happen to us? Then the Spanish sisters had an amazing lesson with Jessica & her friend. They absolutely loved us and made us yummy tres leches cake. They loved the lesson and will for sure end up getting baptized. It was supposed to be our lesson but the Spanish sisters took over because it was easier. My comp and I couldn't understand anything. We sent Jessica over to them. The Spanish sisters were so thankful for us because we basically just found them 5 new people to teach in 1 hour.
Also while we were knocking in the ghetto this guy was sitting on his porch smoking a cigarette blasting rap music. He yelled at us to come over. He shook my hand & said "they call me Snow". He said "teach me something". I was so scared of him at first but he ended up being super nice. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and gave him one! He told us he would read the entire thing by the time we came back. We walked away and I looked back and he had already started reading it. He probably went through 2 packs of cigarettes while we were talking so who knows how far we will get with him
All the Elders that serve in Memphis have huge jars of bullets that they collect. They have a competition to see who can collect the most haha innercity sounds fun to serve in I wish they sent Sisters there!
We got our friend Eli (21 year old) newish convert to come to church! None of the members wanted to give him a ride because he's pretty weird.. he sat with us at church and kept doing a cross across his chest then kissing his finger & pointing at the sky. It was so funny we were trying not to laugh. Then my companion got really sad during one of the talks because the topic was eternal families & it was touching for her because of her mom. Eli looked over at me and said pretty loudly "Sister Reeves I think your companion needs to be comforted" it was sooooo funny hahaha. He's a weird kid he told us he has short term memory loss & maybe some asburgers.
There's a new rule in the wards that if any of the young women want to go to the bathroom they need to have a buddy. If any of the women leave sacrament meeting to go to the bathroom a preistood holder has to follow them and make sure nothing happens. They implemented this rule because Tarlisha (one of our old friends who we had to stop teaching) would bring her sons to church and they were being weird towards the young women.
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