Thursday we were able to go to the temple with a new convert in our ward, Curtis! It was his first time and he had all of his family names ready. His brother was a member of the church and always tried to get Curtis to read the Book of Mormon. He passed away of cancer and after he died Curtis decided to explore the church his brother was apart of. It was super cool because Thursday was his brothers 28th birthday and Curtis told us his brother would be so happy because he always wanted Curtis to go to the temple. He also got to baptize for the first time!! He baptized me and he was so proud and happy.
We also invited another newish convert to come do baptisms as well. He's an older man & we asked him if he's ever done baptisms before. He said "I've tried" and we weren't sure what that meant. We quickly figured out what that meant in the font later haha he had zero mobility and could not bend back to be baptized. We had 2 different priesthood holders try. He would not go down!! He was fighting it but when we kept asking him if he wanted to stop he said no. The person baptizing him seriously had to shove him down it looked so painful. I hope he had a good experience 
Anyways we found out later that he has a huge fear of drowning and we felt SO bad. It seriously looked like he was being drowned he would not go under.

Friday my comp got surgery! I was in the hospital all day long it was awful. The doctors gave me a huge long list of everything I need to do to take care of her. So instead of a full time missionary I'm a full time nurse! I have to wake up in the middle of the night to give her medicine. I don't mind though, I feel bad for my companion I bet it's hard to get surgery being so far away from home. This is her first ever broken bone and first surgery! The surgeon wore scrubs and cowboy boots. It was definitely the most Tennessee you can get haha
I did exchanges so I wasn't stuck inside all week taking care of my companion. I went with one of the sister training leaders and part of her area covers Memphis! We went to go visit one of her friends, Marianne and when we got there my comp told me to take off my tag because there is alot of anti people living in Mariannes apartment. They tell her that we don't belive in Jesus and that we are "devil worshipers." We walked in and all her friends were watching us walk into her apartment it was pretty intimidating. She told us that she doesn't care what her friends think, because she knows what she feels when she learns from us and tells us how happy it makes her. The deal we have with her is if we teach her a lesson she teaches us some sign language afterwards haha.
Sunday was crazy. My comp was still down and so I had to cover two areas! We were running all around and we went to 4 different wards. We went to the singles ward and it was pretty interesting. The single adults are all pretty odd and theres this guy named Ollie who always tries to get my snapchat or messanger so he can send me his rap music he makes. He also told me i am very beautiful haha. We also had 3 different meetings and I couldn't think straight because it was fast Sunday and we were at church ALL day. It's so intimidating meeting with the Bishops & ward leaders every week because they just write down everything we say. Sundays are probably our busiest day. I thought Sundays were a day of rest but not for missionaries. It honestly feels like we aren't keeping the sabbath day holy because we work all day. The only thing we do differently is not go to the gym.
I love you all !!

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