My comp & I stopped to get gas and ran inside to use the restroom. While my comp was in the bathroom one of the workers kept walking back and forth by me. He eventually came up to me and said "Excuse me but you are a sexy individual." I was mind blown he said that to me he must have not even noticed my name tag haha. So weird. A couple days later a man came up to us & asked us who we are. We ended up explaining the Book of Mormon to him, gave him one, and set up a time to meet with him again! We were so excited because we hadn't had any luck all day. He then starts asking us if we have boyfriends and if he could take us to a movie and dinner.. We have to be pretty cautious teaching men because alot of the time they arent interested in our message and its SO frustrating !!
We got the cops called on us! We were sitting in our car trying to move our schedule around & next thing I know there are two cop cars. One cop is on the driver's side and the other on mine. Apparently some old person complained that we were parked in front of their house. The cops took their job way too seriously and looked in the back of our car. They were not very nice and told us to leave ...
We went to go visit a member way out in the country! They live on a farm & the wife asked if we wanted to go see the baby calfs that were just born this week. We hopped on her side by side and got to see her farm- it was beautiful! She was a very classy older woman and told us she did not choose the farm life haha... their house was SO beautiful!! A cute farm house on a ton of land.
We have been working so so hard this week. We made a goal to find 6 people and we were determined to meet it. We knocked probably 200 doors, talked to anyone & everyone we could & hardly had any luck, we were so discouraged. I know we can't force finding people but I've been sooo impatient. I know it'll come but it's hard to wait around for it. I was able to hand out 5 Book of Mormons in one day though! We found one lady but she doesn't speak good English, so we sent her over to the Spanish sisters- I really really wish I spoke Spanish it would be so helpful. We told our mission president about our numbers and that we were discourged. He was shocked! He told us to just be patient and trust in the Lords will & timing.
Everyone we talk to usually tells us "I already know Jesus", "I've already been saved", "I go to Collierville Baptist", "I already have a Bible".
I think the Lord is trying to teach me patience haha. This is definitely the hardest thing I've ever done but I'm adjusting more and more as time goes on. I pass out at 9:30 and sleep amazing every night because I am so tired. I have moments where I tell myself that there is no way I can do this for 18 months but then I have moments where I love being a missionary. It's just hard because we don't have very many people to teach, and the ones we do teach are not progressing. When we finally find someone promising we have to send them over to the Spanish sisters. I just have to be patient and trust that the Lord is preparing me and preparing those who are ready to hear the gospel.
Alma 26:27
Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.
"Faith means that we trust not only in God’s wisdom but that we trust also in His love. It means trusting that God loves us perfectly, that everything He does—every blessing He gives and every blessing He, for a time, withholds—is for our eternal happiness.
No, the purpose of faith is not to change God’s will but to empower us to act on God’s will. Faith is trust—trust that God sees what we cannot and that He knows what we do not. Sometimes, trusting our own vision and judgment is not enough."
-Dieter F Uchtorf
I love & miss you all !

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