Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Hi guys! Time is starting to fly by, this last transfer was SO much fun. I have loved every single one of my companions so much & am so grateful my mission has brought me life long friends. It's still so crazy to me that I'm actually here on a mission haha

My friend Brandon was baptized! He asked me to speak on the gift of the Holy Ghost & it was the sweetest experience I will cherish forever

🥹🥹he is progressing and growing so fast! Shortly after he recieved the priesthood, dove into family history work, and went to the temple for the first time! He said the whole experience of going to the temple was "other worldly" he just felt so at home. Its so cool to see how the gospel can change someones life. Just a couple months ago he was a random man at the gas pump next to us

I'm still here in Hot Springs! President is having me train a new missionary- Sister Ross. I just love her & we are having so much fun together 

I think one of my favorite things about Arkansas is all of the storms! A couple weeks ago there was a tornado warning, all of the sirens went off & we get a call from President saying we need to get to our safe house. We ran into a members house near by just soaking wet haha we sat inside with towels wrapped around us until the sirens stopped

Something I don't love is the amount of stray dogs we've had to run from since I've been here. I haven't been bit yet so let's keep hoping ðŸ¤ž!

Ever since I got here to Hot Springs I had the impression that this area really needed a family. My companions & I prayed constantly that we would find a family. Shortly after I picked up my trainee I had a feeling we needed to go back to this man's house who lived way out of our way. It was late at night but I knew we needed to go and we ended up finding our family! We taught all five of their children and we just love them! We handed the kids the children's Book of Mormon and they read it in two days they loved it. They have been coming to church every week & they fit right in! They have definitely been an answer to our prayers. Our mission President spoke in our ward on Sunday and the little girls went up to him & said they want to be missionaries like us someday it made my heart burst

I love the people here so much! They are amazing. I love this opportunity I have to represent my Savior- to love and serve as He would. I miss all of u💘

Here's a link if u want to see more pictures!

It's been 4 weeks since I got Sister Ross! I also hit 7 months as a missionary! 

This week was a blur. I got food poisoning one night & slept 11 hours. It was so amazing I feel like I never get sleep on the mission

Also our AC broke! We came home one night and the apartment was at 87° it was awful. We died for two nights it was SO hot

I got to go on exchanges w my last companion! It was so fun to be with her again haha I love Sister Arrington tons!!🩷

I guess our highlight of the week is that our family came to church again this week! They fit right in with the ward and it just feels so right. Everyone loves their children. 

My mission presidents came & spoke at our church on Sunday! The little girls wanted to go meet him, they went up to President and said they wanted to be missionaries like us someday. It was so so cute my heart melted ðŸ¥¹ðŸ¥¹

Here's a quote I LOVE from Elder Utchforf

"Jesus taught, “Seek, and ye shall find.”

I believe this simple phrase is not only a spiritual promise; it is a statement of fact. 

If we seek reasons to be angry, to doubt, to be bitter or alone, we will find them too. 

However, if we seek joy—if we look for reasons to rejoice and to happily follow the Savior, we will find them. 

We rarely find something we are not looking for. 

Are you looking for joy? 

Seek, and ye shall find."

Hi guys! Another week in Hot Springs! 

Last pday we had a tornado warning- the sirens went off around the entire town & they were SO loud. President called us and made us go to our "safe house." There was so much rain by the time we got to our safe house we looked like we had just jumped in a pool. We sat in the members home wet & cold wrapped in towels haha it was super fun.

The tornado warning reminded me of one of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon haha

3 Nephi 8:16 And there were some who were carried away in the whirlwind; and whither they went no man knoweth, save they know that they were carried away.

I received another update on Brandon, he went to the temple for the first time this week! He was able to do baptisms & baptize! He loved it. He texted me and said:

"The whole experience was complete otherworldly. I felt like a tool being used by a master to create something wonderful. I pray that I can continue to be an asset to our church and the people of the world, both living here now, and living in the next phase."

🥹🥹so so cool and special for me that he was able to go to the temple. I am just amazed at his progress & growth everyday.

We have been praying really hard this week for Tonia and her family. I was sitting in sacrament meeting & I saw her family walk in the chapel!! It was a miracle, I just felt like crying. I showed all of her children where their classes were and at the end of the meetings the kids asked their mom if they could come back next week! My companions and I have been praying to find a family for 8 weeks now & God heard our prayers! We are hoping we are able to help them progress towards baptism! If you all could keep Tonia & her family in your prayers that would mean the world to me! 

Training is hard, but Sister Ross is picking everything up so fast! She spoke in church on Sunday & I felt like a proud mom she is going to be an AMAZING missionary by the time I'm done with her haha. I love her and it's fun watching her experience everything for the first time! 

Hi guys! Sorry it's been so crazy so I haven't had the chance to write an email.

I picked up my trainee! Her name is Laney Ross. She is so so cute & I am so excited to be with her for the next 12 weeks! I saw a picture of her a couple months prior, and I told everyone that I would train her! (Fun fact I've kissed her older brother). She said that her brother told her I was serving here & she hoped that I would train her haha. We got to FaceTime him on Monday and it was super funny he couldn't believe we are companions

Training is hard! I forget how little the new missionaries know. It's been stressful but also so fun because it's like watching my child experience Christmas for the first time. She is so excited & loves learning everyday. We have been in bed by 9:45 pm every night. We set goals at the beginning of the week and we have exceeded all of them. We set a goal to find 5 new people to teach this week & ended up finding 12! I've never been more stressed in my life but we are finally starting to get the work picked up here☺️

Last Monday we had plans to go visit a member, then head home for the night. As we got in the car to head home, I had a really strong prompting that we needed to go visit Travis (a man who's door we knocked on a couple weeks ago). I put him in the schedule to visit the next day, but I felt really impressed that we needed to stop by tonight. I knew we were supposed to be inside our apartment in a little bit, but I also knew that the Spirit was prompting me. We went to his house and he wasn't home, but his wife was & she invited us inside! We were able to teach his entire family the Plan of Salvation. They all sat around us and asked so many questions, they LOVED it. One of the 11 year old girls asked, "Wait I lived with Jesus before I came here?" It was so cute

We had a lesson with them again this week! We taught the whole family about the Book of Mormon. They all LOVED it! We read it all together and the kids asked the best questions. I asked one of the little girls to say the closing prayer and in her prayer she said, "Please bless the Sisters and I am so thankful that you sent them to us and that they were able to teach us The Book of Mormon and that Jesus Christ visited the people in America" it was SO cute. It made me SO happy. 

We had a third lesson with their family by the end of the week. We go over & the little girls run into our arms, they were so excited to see us. We started to teach the restoration, and the two twin little girls started teaching everyone about it. They taught us about how Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and told him where the plates were. We were so shocked but they had read about it in the kids Book of Mormon! We asked them how far they had gotten and they said they were almost finished with it. I almost wanted to cry it was so cool. The little girls were telling us all about how they don't like King Noah and that King Benjamin was a good King and that it was so sad that Nephi's brothers tied him up on the ship. These kids are SO excited about the Book of Mormon and about this gospel. 

I know that it was the Holy Ghost that prompted me to stop by Travis's house late that night. I know that Heavenly Father knew we needed to teach them at that exact moment. I am so grateful for the spirit in my life, I know that this work is impossible without Him. 

Everyone please please keep this family in your prayers! 

I have committed myself to being way more prayerful this week and I have seen so many miracles this week because of it! Missionary work is so hard but it is the most I have ever grown!

I love you all so much! Miss you guys everyday! ðŸ’–💖

Dear Sister Caroline Reeves,

Congratulations on your assignment to serve as Trainer to Sister Laney Ross in the Hot Springs 2 Area.  Being a Trainer is among the most significant assignments a missionary will receive.  You are helping to establish the foundation upon which your companion will build upon for the balance of the mission and beyond. You are responsible for teaching the culture of the mission as follows:

  • Invite all to come unto Christ;
  • Teach repentance and baptize converts;
  • Study the Book of Mormon, Preach My Gospel, Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ, and Safeguards for Using Technologyevery day, every day, every day;
  • Pray, repent, plan and role play every day, every day, every day;
  • Adhere to your Companionship Technology Plan;
  • Use the Book of Mormon as the foundation of conversion;
  • Understand and teach the Doctrine of Christ; and
  • Live worthy of the Holy Spirit.

Your assignment is a sacred trust from the Lord.  Your example of obedience and effective proselyting will play a significant role in the spirit your companion will experience. Help your companion adapt to missionary life by:

  • Following the daily schedule diligently (see PMG pg. viii);
  • Holding companion study daily and help your companion develop and improve basic missionary skills discussed in Preach My Gospel. The scripture boxes and activities should be strongly emphasized with your companion;
  • Holding daily/weekly planning sessions to help your companion learn how to plan to help investigators; and
  • Ensuring your companion fully participates as a contributing part of your companionship. From the very beginning, give your companion the opportunity to take some part in each phase of the work, even if  your companion is somewhat hesitant or not strong yet in speaking or other skills.

Most importantly, remember the counsel found in D&C 121:41-43.  As you approach your assignment in this way, the Holy Ghost will assist you. May the Lord bless you with inspiration and with increased strength and capacity as you faithfully fulfill this important responsibility.

Warm regards,

Mark E. Larsen

President, Arkansas Little Rock Mission

Hi guys! The transfer has come to an end.. this one actually flew by pretty fast! I'm going to miss my trio, I love these girls so much.💖 we have had so much fun together

President gave me a call on Monday and told me that he wants me to train a new missionary! I'm driving to Little Rock to spend a couple of days there, and to get trained on how to be a trainer. I'm nervous because I feel like I don't know anything but also I'm super excited, it'll help me learn and grow a ton! I have no idea who she is but I'm so excited to meet her! It honestly feels like I am the new missionary who just got out of the mtc 

Here's an update on Brandon: HE GOT THE PRIESTHOOD! I'm super excited for him! He is progressing and growing so fast! 

We are teaching this awesome girl named Mahala right now! She is 21 years old and has a cute baby girl. We taught her about how God is our loving Heavenly Father & about how he answers our prayers. The entire lesson she was just crying, she was feeling the Spirit SO much. I was able to translate the spirit for her & help her realize that she was feeling it and that he was testifying that what we are teaching her is true. It was one of the best lessons I've had in a really long time, it was exactly what I needed. 

At the beginning of the week we were knocking, and this man yells at us saying he hasn't seen us around in a while. We went over to talk to him & he said that he used to meet with missionaries in Texas and loved coming to our church & that his name was Kevin. We set up a time to come back & teach him! For our lesson we brought an older couple from our ward to join us. We started talking about the Plan of Salvation, and Kevin started disagreeing saying that he won't ever die. It started to turn so weird and he just kept telling us he won't die. I told him he needs to pray about what we've taught and Kevin said "I need to ask him if I can." My heart immediately sank and I had the scariest feeling. I asked him who? Kevin said that he talks to this spirit who says that "He won't let me pray". It was SO terrifying! We ended up leaving and the members told us to never go to his house ever again. Sooo scary 

Anyways I love you all! I'm excited to train a new missionary & I am so excited to meet her!