Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hi guys! The transfer has come to an end.. this one actually flew by pretty fast! I'm going to miss my trio, I love these girls so much.💖 we have had so much fun together

President gave me a call on Monday and told me that he wants me to train a new missionary! I'm driving to Little Rock to spend a couple of days there, and to get trained on how to be a trainer. I'm nervous because I feel like I don't know anything but also I'm super excited, it'll help me learn and grow a ton! I have no idea who she is but I'm so excited to meet her! It honestly feels like I am the new missionary who just got out of the mtc 

Here's an update on Brandon: HE GOT THE PRIESTHOOD! I'm super excited for him! He is progressing and growing so fast! 

We are teaching this awesome girl named Mahala right now! She is 21 years old and has a cute baby girl. We taught her about how God is our loving Heavenly Father & about how he answers our prayers. The entire lesson she was just crying, she was feeling the Spirit SO much. I was able to translate the spirit for her & help her realize that she was feeling it and that he was testifying that what we are teaching her is true. It was one of the best lessons I've had in a really long time, it was exactly what I needed. 

At the beginning of the week we were knocking, and this man yells at us saying he hasn't seen us around in a while. We went over to talk to him & he said that he used to meet with missionaries in Texas and loved coming to our church & that his name was Kevin. We set up a time to come back & teach him! For our lesson we brought an older couple from our ward to join us. We started talking about the Plan of Salvation, and Kevin started disagreeing saying that he won't ever die. It started to turn so weird and he just kept telling us he won't die. I told him he needs to pray about what we've taught and Kevin said "I need to ask him if I can." My heart immediately sank and I had the scariest feeling. I asked him who? Kevin said that he talks to this spirit who says that "He won't let me pray". It was SO terrifying! We ended up leaving and the members told us to never go to his house ever again. Sooo scary 

Anyways I love you all! I'm excited to train a new missionary & I am so excited to meet her! 

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