Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hi guys! Another week in Hot Springs! 

Last pday we had a tornado warning- the sirens went off around the entire town & they were SO loud. President called us and made us go to our "safe house." There was so much rain by the time we got to our safe house we looked like we had just jumped in a pool. We sat in the members home wet & cold wrapped in towels haha it was super fun.

The tornado warning reminded me of one of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon haha

3 Nephi 8:16 And there were some who were carried away in the whirlwind; and whither they went no man knoweth, save they know that they were carried away.

I received another update on Brandon, he went to the temple for the first time this week! He was able to do baptisms & baptize! He loved it. He texted me and said:

"The whole experience was complete otherworldly. I felt like a tool being used by a master to create something wonderful. I pray that I can continue to be an asset to our church and the people of the world, both living here now, and living in the next phase."

🥹🥹so so cool and special for me that he was able to go to the temple. I am just amazed at his progress & growth everyday.

We have been praying really hard this week for Tonia and her family. I was sitting in sacrament meeting & I saw her family walk in the chapel!! It was a miracle, I just felt like crying. I showed all of her children where their classes were and at the end of the meetings the kids asked their mom if they could come back next week! My companions and I have been praying to find a family for 8 weeks now & God heard our prayers! We are hoping we are able to help them progress towards baptism! If you all could keep Tonia & her family in your prayers that would mean the world to me! 

Training is hard, but Sister Ross is picking everything up so fast! She spoke in church on Sunday & I felt like a proud mom she is going to be an AMAZING missionary by the time I'm done with her haha. I love her and it's fun watching her experience everything for the first time! 

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