Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Dear Sister Caroline Reeves,

Congratulations on your assignment to serve as Trainer to Sister Laney Ross in the Hot Springs 2 Area.  Being a Trainer is among the most significant assignments a missionary will receive.  You are helping to establish the foundation upon which your companion will build upon for the balance of the mission and beyond. You are responsible for teaching the culture of the mission as follows:

  • Invite all to come unto Christ;
  • Teach repentance and baptize converts;
  • Study the Book of Mormon, Preach My Gospel, Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ, and Safeguards for Using Technologyevery day, every day, every day;
  • Pray, repent, plan and role play every day, every day, every day;
  • Adhere to your Companionship Technology Plan;
  • Use the Book of Mormon as the foundation of conversion;
  • Understand and teach the Doctrine of Christ; and
  • Live worthy of the Holy Spirit.

Your assignment is a sacred trust from the Lord.  Your example of obedience and effective proselyting will play a significant role in the spirit your companion will experience. Help your companion adapt to missionary life by:

  • Following the daily schedule diligently (see PMG pg. viii);
  • Holding companion study daily and help your companion develop and improve basic missionary skills discussed in Preach My Gospel. The scripture boxes and activities should be strongly emphasized with your companion;
  • Holding daily/weekly planning sessions to help your companion learn how to plan to help investigators; and
  • Ensuring your companion fully participates as a contributing part of your companionship. From the very beginning, give your companion the opportunity to take some part in each phase of the work, even if  your companion is somewhat hesitant or not strong yet in speaking or other skills.

Most importantly, remember the counsel found in D&C 121:41-43.  As you approach your assignment in this way, the Holy Ghost will assist you. May the Lord bless you with inspiration and with increased strength and capacity as you faithfully fulfill this important responsibility.

Warm regards,

Mark E. Larsen

President, Arkansas Little Rock Mission

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