Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hi guys! Time is starting to fly by, this last transfer was SO much fun. I have loved every single one of my companions so much & am so grateful my mission has brought me life long friends. It's still so crazy to me that I'm actually here on a mission haha

My friend Brandon was baptized! He asked me to speak on the gift of the Holy Ghost & it was the sweetest experience I will cherish forever

🥹🥹he is progressing and growing so fast! Shortly after he recieved the priesthood, dove into family history work, and went to the temple for the first time! He said the whole experience of going to the temple was "other worldly" he just felt so at home. Its so cool to see how the gospel can change someones life. Just a couple months ago he was a random man at the gas pump next to us

I'm still here in Hot Springs! President is having me train a new missionary- Sister Ross. I just love her & we are having so much fun together 

I think one of my favorite things about Arkansas is all of the storms! A couple weeks ago there was a tornado warning, all of the sirens went off & we get a call from President saying we need to get to our safe house. We ran into a members house near by just soaking wet haha we sat inside with towels wrapped around us until the sirens stopped

Something I don't love is the amount of stray dogs we've had to run from since I've been here. I haven't been bit yet so let's keep hoping ðŸ¤ž!

Ever since I got here to Hot Springs I had the impression that this area really needed a family. My companions & I prayed constantly that we would find a family. Shortly after I picked up my trainee I had a feeling we needed to go back to this man's house who lived way out of our way. It was late at night but I knew we needed to go and we ended up finding our family! We taught all five of their children and we just love them! We handed the kids the children's Book of Mormon and they read it in two days they loved it. They have been coming to church every week & they fit right in! They have definitely been an answer to our prayers. Our mission President spoke in our ward on Sunday and the little girls went up to him & said they want to be missionaries like us someday it made my heart burst

I love the people here so much! They are amazing. I love this opportunity I have to represent my Savior- to love and serve as He would. I miss all of u💘

Here's a link if u want to see more pictures!

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